This one was taken by one of my friends Delna. PENT?? What the hell is a PENT??
This is something that should have happened after his first term in office... I still can't believe the american public didnt vote him out... (well... actually they did.. but they let Bush get away with the amazing jhol he did to win) .. either way... he spent 8 years too many in office... Here is a video clip of the Top Ten GWB moments... check it out...
and here is proof that WMD's did exist... Bush just looked in the wrong place for them... take a look and judge for urself ---->
And Mc'Cains biggest minus point ------>
Hehehahahahahahahahaha.... i love Puns .... infact... here's a sidey joke i came up with.... what do u call a person who is good at puns??? ...... a PUN-DIT of course.... hahahahahahahahahahaha ....
And hows this one ----->Starbucks!!! LOL ..... :):):):):)
And this last one is from the wizard of Id... they sometimes come up with fantastic ones
And hows this for a conspiracy theory ------->
:) ... U never know!!!!
And to wrap up.. heres the new Dollar bill design... Very Apt....
This one is old but I thought it was a good one.. Guess this is why Hillary got whooped!!!
Whoever does get elected is gonna defi have a hard time with the Economy resturcturing... but I'm hoping things will get better once the Idiotic Bush is out and a sensible Obama is in!!
LOL... Fantastic... just fantastic.... :)
And to wrap up.. heres one which puts the entire bush reign into a perfect nutshell .... a nutshell of a nut :)
:) ..... Jai Apple!!!
And what happens when you run out of material for the blog? lets just hope this doesn't happen to you ... :)
Wish it was actually this easy na? One nice big GPL (gaand pe laat for those of you not familliar with the shortform :P )
And here is a confidential picture of the new missile launcher being developed in Afghanistan. Very cost effective but painfull as hell... painfull to whom?? Take a look ----->
And to wrap things up for today, a nice lil one bout old people...
Hahahahahahaha... brilliant!! Heres another one from the cola wars.. this ones an TV Ad... I think its fantastic...
I mean, there are so many good looking Indian born Air Hostesses in other Airlines.. why the hell can AI not hire them? Is it compulsory to keep 50+ hostesses? What is the funda? Make them work till they don't use a walking aid??
This next one is guaranteed to make u think..... OUCH!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!!
And the last one for today also has to do with the fish world.. i love the sharks expression in this one ---->
Thats about it for today... have a super weekend and log on tomorrow to beat the Monday Blues ... :)
Since I started off with computer bashing, thought I'd continue on the same lines thru the blog posts for today :) ...
And the last one for the day shows what over useage and dependance on Computers can do --->
I'd have loved to be there when the baloon bursts!!! LOL ....
And this last one is so that u know whats actually behind all those desks that have a whole bunch of books on the shelf behind...
LOL ... I'm sure a Lot of people feel this way. Sometimes even I do. Have you ever felt this way? Let me know... Would be interesting to know everyone's take on computers becoming smarter and smarter ....
U know, its weird but these days its actually like the strip above.. i mean, i actually catch up wth more people online than I do off it ... even friends who are in Pune itself.. i manage to keep in touch more online than off it... See.. thats the bad part about computers or more specifically the internet - face to face interactions have dwindled (and i dont count video conferancing as face to face interactions) :P
And finally... what happens when ur toooooo addicted to the internet?? This ----->