And finally, lets hear it for Mc'Cain .. this one's pretty much perfect with regards to the mans desperate policies to keep Obama out...

.... tttttttthhhhats all folks...... :)
And there will be a time when cell phones will actually have a menu like the one below.. but till then, let's have a laugh at the iphones expense... (i by the way think the Iphone is majorly hyped, and defi not worth the ridiculous prices they're charging in India for it)
And finally.. something thats already happening... heres a funny one bout the melting ice (oh.. by the way, if you havent watched the inconvinient truth, u just have to...)
Whoever wrote the caption to this picture is a Genius!! Dont u agree??
And heres another Bizzaro strip thats super... in a time of school and college dropouts (yes yes, I know bill gates dropped out but not everyone invents Windows now do they??)
And to wrap up.. here's my fave pig in the whole world...... heres one from Pearls b4 Swine... (Stephen Pastis... u r brilliant!!)
And heres one which is typical of any election campaign....
And to wrap things up in todays blog.. heres a strip which I think was drawn by someone who was sitting in the office at the time D'bhai Ambani was giving worldly gyaan to his lil one...
LOL... typically male right? I admit, we do over emphasise the smallest of help that we might give in the home ... !!!
And here's conclusive and mathematical proof that women/girls are evil!! Yup, u read it right... mathematical proof.. take a look
And finally, i'd like to end with a Calvin and Hobbes strip. Calvin and Hobbes is just fantastic. I think it ties in first place with Pearls B4 Swine in my all time faves. This one gives a ironic twist to suicide...
hahahahahahahahahaha.... (wipe tears rolling down cheeks) .... hahahahahahahahahaha
I think this knocks home the point (apart from the obvious) that in India, for some godforsaken reason, anyone who is even remotely in the illusion that he/she is a celeb, wants to wear sunglasses all the time... In a disco... at night... with almost all the lights out!!! I mean.. WTF??? Makes me go back to the time I'd gone to Indore for training as a Rj... and the night RJ there was sitting in the studio.. (this is at 10pm) and doing a show.. with his sunglasses on. When asked why.. he said it made him feel like he was really cool!! again... WTF????????
I'm sure anyone who's ever been in a relationship will agree that guys are basically the one's who are in Pig's position .. and thats why I'n not counting on too many women liking the above strip. Well.. since I'm already on the bad side of the fairer sex... here's another one ....
Opinions anyone?? :)